Q: They are characters from Shakespearean plays The Tempest and A Midsummer Night's Dream : Ariel, Miranda, and Phoebe, but scientists have used their names for another purpose. What is it?
Which version is better the Beatles' or this one ?
"Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" was one of the best songs on the Beatles' famous Sgt. Pepper album, and one of the classic songs of psychedelia as a whole. There are few other songs that so successfully evoke a dream world, in both the sonic textures and words. The hallucinogenic quality of the production was emphasized by the initials of the main words in the title, which, as was no secret even when it was first released, spell LSD. That was a controversial happenstance that the Beatles, and principal author John Lennon, would spend decades answering. Lennon, for his own part, always insisted that the title derived from his three-year-old son Julian Lennon's description of a painting he had done in nursery school, Lucy being a girl in his class. (The original painting, and a picture of the real-life Lucy, can be seen on pages 122-123 of Steve Turner's book -A Hard Day's Write: The Stories Behind Every eatles' Song.) That was certainly a remarkable coincidence, but regardless of whether the lettering was intentional or not, the psychedelic quality of the song's reverie would have been noted whether the initials spelled LSD or something else. The gorgeous melody of the opening lines is amplified by Lennon's unearthly, almost whispery vocals and the delicate unaccompanied keyboard, a Lowry organ made to sound like a celeste. The lyrics, whether ingested with the aid of substances or not, are very much like those seen in a dream, with the images of tangerine trees, marmalade skies, kaleidoscope eyes, cellophane flowers, and newspaper taxis. The song also unfolds with the lack of linear logic that characterizes dreams, starting on a boat, following an enchanting girl to a fountain, your head suddenly in the clouds, the girl mysteriously reappearing and disappearing. The pace of the song picks up after the first few lines, made more emphatic by the introduction of a pumping bass, then bursting into a chorus with much harder rock instrumentation and exultant vocal harmonies. The end of that chorus, with a wordless harmony suddenly fading as Lennon goes back into the quiet verse, creates the appropriate sensation in the listener of falling back into a dream. Occasional subtle tamboura drone (played by George Harrison) embellishes the exotic ambience. Although John Lennon usually eschewed descriptive story songs in favor of compositions that expressed an intensely personal point of view, in 1967 his songs tended toward observational imagery, as if trying to record the pictures in his head during his drug experiments. "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" is certainly the most successful and enchanting of his efforts in this direction, completed with some help from Paul McCartney (who contributed the cellophane flowers and newspaper taxis references, for example). In the mid-'70s, Elton John took a far less exotic and more ordinary version of "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" to number one, with Lennon singing backing vocals and playing guitar. The principal difference in arrangement -- which sounds like an almost gratuitous, smug touch -- was doing part of the song in a reggae tempo. Star Trek star William Shatner recorded a ludicrous spoken word-recital version that has drawn some guffaws for its camp value.
Q: This actor played an inspirational teacher helping his poor east-Los Angeles students pass the Advanced Placement Test in Calculus. Name the 1988 film, actor, and teacher.
Many of David Bowie's collaborations and partnerships over time resulted in fine and sometimes groundbreaking work, most notably his series of albums with Brian Eno in the late seventies. But if there's a sheer 'what the heck?' moment in that list, it would have to be "Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy," done for a Bing Crosby Christmas special not long before his death as a duet with the old crooner. Even if the concept seems strange (and certainly the stilted sketch explaining that Bowie had come to visit Crosby on a wintry night didn't help), it's actually not too odd an idea given Bowie's open and admitted debt to both classic mid-century crooners like Crosby and more modern interpreters like Scott Walker. The medley itself, mixing the Christmas carol with a brief verse about wishing for seasonal calm, isn't either singer's finest hour, but their voices mix together well enough, while the music is suitably low-key and enjoyable.
After 5 days of winning, Mary, Did You Know? was defeated by Silver Bells by Bob Hope!
The introduction from the movie "The Lemon Drop Kid" in 1951 of the classic "Silver Bells" by Bob "Randy Santa" Hope and Marilyn Maxwell. William "Fred Mertz" Frawley is the other Santa in the beginning singing along. "City sidewalks, busy sidewalks..."
Tune in again tomorrow morning as the Battle of Christmas classics continues...We'll put Silver Bells up against another Christmas Favorite !
Q: If you want, what will Suzy Snowflake help you make?
On December 28, 1953, Chicago area kids were introduced to the whimsical story of Suzy Snowflake "tap, tap, tappin'" on every windowpane, seen on "Garfield Goose and Friends" then on WBBM-TV. Like "Hardrock, Coco and Joe", Suzy too was brought to life by the stop-motion animators of Centaur Productions. Norma Zimmer was Suzy's voice and the song was sung by The Norman Luboff Choir, a premier studio group who recorded with well-known artists, such as Frank Sinatra and Harry Belafonte.
The Beatles never released a commercial Christmas record during their career, though they recorded holiday messages for their fan club each year. With the group disbanded, former Beatle John Lennon determined to make a Christmas record in 1971, combining the seasonal sentiments with his antiwar activism. In December 1969, Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, had put up billboard advertisements in major cities around the world declaring, "War is over! (If you want it)," and they reiterated this statement two years later in their Christmas song "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)." Characteristically, Lennon was not going to let his listeners off the hook, even if it was holiday time. "And so this is Christmas," he sang, "and what have you done?" Employing a slow tempo and an elaborate arrangement and production devised by Phil Spector, the song delivered a message of holiday greeting and antiwar political sentiments. Released as a single in December 1971, "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" reached the Top 40 on regular record charts as well as placing high in the Christmas charts, to which it returned upon reissue in 1972, 1983, 1984, and 1985. In England, the single was not released until 1972, when it reached the Top Five, returning to the charts in 1975, 1980, 1981, and 1982. Gradually, the song began to be accepted as a seasonal standard, a development hastened by covers recorded by the likes of such mainstream artists as Neil Diamond (who replaced "Xmas" in the title with " Christmas") in 1992 and Celine Dion in 1998.
So, I had an email from listener Darlene hit my inbox...It seems she wanted to suggest a challenger song for our Battle of the Christmas Classics. She went on to ask if I knew of any homes or other displays of Christmas Lights not to miss in the area.
Well, do you know of any?? Or do you light up your home like Clark Griswold ??
Send me addresses, pictures or video if you have it...you can use the comment section below this post or email me !
Now since I mentioned Clark Griswold, here's a gem from one of my fave Christmas movies:
Now, to bring out the inner Clark Griswold in all of us, I submit for your enjoyment:
how bout this one
let's not forget this one, make sure you check out where this one's from !!
Tune in again tomorrow as the Battle of Christmas classics continues...We'll put All I Want For Christmas Is You up against another Christmas Favorite !
If you'd like to suggest a classic tune, email me !!
Okay, by now you ouhgta know how this works !! But in case you don't it's pretty easy stuff for you to participate in and enjoy !
In the 7 o'clock hour Monday thru Friday for the next 12 days...(12 days of Christmas, get it?) I'll play 2 of our Holiday favorites, you get to vote on your fave for about an hour. Either by phoning in or NEW this year on this here very blog!!! Then, I tally the votes and announce the winner for the day, that song moves into tomorrow's round against a new fave and so on...the last song standing is proclaimed our winner and is retired for the following year. The idea being we create our own "Top 10 Christmas songs of all time".
I'll have more on that in future posts !!
Watch this space for today's songs and to vote !
And if you would like to suggest a song to include in this year's battle email me.